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Crime and Safety in West Springs

Updated: Feb 8

Overall the community of West Springs continues to be safe, going against the upward trend seen by the city at large.

Recent data reveals concerning statistics, including a monthly average of five vehicle thefts or break-ins and two residential burglaries. Compounding the concern, an annual surge in criminal activity during the fall raises questions about the community's safety.

Community Action and Vigilance:

As the eyes and ears of the community, residents play a pivotal role in addressing and preventing criminal activities in West Springs. During emergencies or in-progress crimes, the first course of action is to call 911. Residents can report non-emergencies, to the Calgary Police Service at 403-266-1234 or through the online reporting system at

Anonymous Reporting through Crime Stoppers:

For those who wish to remain anonymous, Crime Stoppers offers a valuable avenue for reporting crimes. This charitable organization, distinct from the police and not meant for emergencies, can be reached at 1-800-222-8477. Reports can also be submitted online at

Engaging with Councillor Richard Pootmans:

Residents are encouraged to voice their concerns directly to their representative, Councillor Richard Pootmans. By reaching out via email at, community members can communicate their experiences, fears, and suggestions, fostering a collaborative effort to address and improve safety conditions in West Springs.


The growing issue of crime in West Springs demands a collective response from its residents. By staying vigilant, reporting incidents promptly, and engaging with local authorities and representatives, the community can work together to ensure the safety and security of its residents. It's only through proactive involvement that West Springs can forge a safer and more secure environment for everyone.


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