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Access to Primary Healthcare in West Springs

Updated: Feb 8

West Springs is Facing an Alarming Shortage of Primary Care Physicians.

Located within Ward 6, the community of West Springs is grappling with access to primary healthcare. The data reveals that the community is facing one of the most significant shortages of accessible physicians in both the ward and the city at large.

Falling below average:

The graph above shows that with a mere 36 doctors per 1,000 residents, West Springs falls far below the average for Ward 6 and the city at large.

Community comparison:

West Springs comes in third-last overall in Ward 6 in terms of physicians, lightyears behind the 230 physicians located in and only slightly ahead of the 29 in Springbank Hill.

Limited Access for Residents:

There is also a limited availability of physicians willing to take on new patients. In West Springs, theres only 1 in 25 (4 per cent), a stark contrast to the Ward 6 average of 1 in 10 (9 per cent) and the Calgary average of 1 in 5 (19 per cent).

Action and Advocacy for Healthcare Funding:

The shortage of primary care physicians in West Springs demands immediate attention and collaborative action from both residents and policymakers. By raising awareness, seeking alternative healthcare options, and advocating for increased funding, the community can pave the way for a healthier and more accessible future.

Residents are especially urged to advocate for increased healthcare funding. One essential step is reaching out to their Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), Demetrios Nicolaides, to voice concerns and push for additional resources to address the shortage of physicians in West Springs


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